Tourism in Tuzla

Tourist Route of Tuzla Attractions

Tourist Route of Tuzla Attractions

Admir Ahmetbašić 3 Comments Tuesday, October 27, 2020

GH Pasha Tuzla made post that describe attractions of Tuzla and you can get more infos about Gate of Behram-beg Madrasa (1626), Colorful mosque, Square of FREEDOM, Bazaar fountain and mosque (Čaršijska česma), Square of Salt, Kapija 1995, City park, Orthodox Church, Gazi Turali-beg's waqf and Park Banja.

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Health Tourism in Tuzla

Health Tourism in Tuzla

Admir Ahmetbasic 0 Comments Sunday, July 07, 2019

With the opening of Tuzla airport and Wizz Air's decision to place its base at Tuzla Airport, Rooms and Apartment Guest House Pasha*** had recognized more and more tourists that come for dental, plastic and aesthetic surgeries, heart diseases, and ART assisted reproductive technology.

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